Do your best
Times of the day
Start of the day: 8:45
Break: 10:45—11:00
Lunch: 12:30—1:30
End of the day: 3:15
Make sure you get to school on time! You will miss out on valuable learning time!
Teacher Information
Miss Hamlin and Mrs Chadwick are the teachers in Year 3. They are supported by Mrs Mace Mrs Wiseman and Mrs Hudson. They will be available every day after school if you need to talk about anything.
We do PE on a Tuesday afternoon, but we recommend that children have a PE kit in school each day. In year 3 we still go outside in the Autumn term so it would be helpful for a tracksuit and trainers to be in their kit bag as well. From September to the Easter term year 3 children go swimming to Tudor Grange Leisure Centre on a Thursday morning, more details about this will be sent out nearer the time.
Children should have a water bottle in school every day which they can refill at school. You also need to send your child in with a healthy snack to eat at playtime as free school snacks is no longer available.
We assign homework ever Friday. We alternate each week between literacy, maths and curriculum homework. Your child will change their reading books every Wednesday morning. Spellings will be practised in school during spelling and reading workshop.
Teamship Assembly
On a Friday afternoon we have Teamship assembly where we award children who have made good progress, applied their learning or behaved according to Ulverley expectations and Teamship rules.
Learning environment
As you probably know the classrooms at Ulverley are a little different from the traditional classroom. We have looked at different learning styles and environments and tried to match the requirements of our new class to the environment.
Mathletics can be accessed on a PC, Laptop or iPad. If you have any problems accessing Mathletics at home there is a customer help line 0117 370 1990 weekdays between 8:30 – 5pm or email