Tell everyone what they need to know when they need to know
We have a very active Parent Council, Friends fund raisers and Governing Body who are invaluable in strengthening communication and supporting the school in achieving our goals.
Head Teacher's Message
Ulverley School provides a caring, supportive community in which all children are valued and provided with intellectual challenge. It is our aim to inspire all learners to follow their dreams, creating a better future for our global community.
All children have a right to a broad, balanced and relevant education which provides continuity and progression and takes individual differences into account. Work in school is designed to meet the requirement of the National Curriculum using local, national and international themes that are relevant and purposeful to the children.
Ulverley School provides an active environment with meaningful experiences that nurture and develop creativity, individual talents and interests. We will challenge pupils to become informed critical decision makers and problem solvers with a strong moral sense of right and wrong. We provide opportunities for all children to become confident assertive communicators with the ability to be resilient risk takers.
I am proud of the opportunities the committed staff provides with a full range of before and after school clubs as well as lunchtime activities. These include numerous and varied sports, musical instruments and choir, board games and academic enrichment activities plus many more.
Over the course of this academic year we aim to keep you all informed of our numerous achievements as well as the support structures we have in place which will be led by our dedicated Pastoral team.
We also have a very active Parent Council, Friends fund raisers and Governing Body who are invaluable in strengthening communication and supporting the school in achieving our goals.
Please do not just take my word for it! Look up our last OFSTED report and see how we compare nationally with our Standardised Assessment Tasks (SATs).
Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries about the information above.
Mark Pratt
Head Teacher
Pupils will:
Acquire values such as honesty, sincerity and tolerance.
Develop esteem, self-confidence and self-discipline and form considered opinions.
Be aware of the needs of others and learn to respect their points of view.
Develop a sense of involvement and belonging, both within the school and the wider community.
Develop a love of reading.
Develop an aesthetic appreciation; be aware and sensitive to the environment and its protection.
Develop a sense of commitment and achievement both independently and as part of a team.
Appreciate the efforts and achievements of others.
Acquire appropriate knowledge, skills and processes which are enabling in the fields of work and recreation.
Develop an understanding and respect for different cultures.
In order to facilitate this it is necessary to:
Recognise the integral importance of all staff and provide support, motivation and development through appropriate and effective management and organisational systems.
Encourage and enhance the positive contribution of parents and the general environment of the school.
Achieve a high degree of commitment and co-operation between all those involved in the support of children at Ulverley School.
Provide a learning environment which seeks to challenge pupils to achieve their upmost.
9.00am - Registration / Assemblies
9.00am - 12.00am Direct learning
12.00-1.00 - lunchtime
1.00 - 3.00 Direct learning
​3.05 - Home time / after school activities and clubs.
8.30am - 11.30 am (Morning Nursery)
12.30pm - 3.30pm (Afternoon Nursery)
9.00am - 3.00pm (All Day Nursery)
Key Stage 1
8.45 - Registration / Assemblies
9.00 - 10.15 - Direct learning
10.15 - 10.30 - Break
10.30 - 12.00 - Direct learning
12.00 - 1.00 - Lunchtime
​1.00 - 3.00 - Direct learning
3.05pm - Home time / after school activities and clubs.
Key Stage 2
Year 3 and 6
8.45 - Registration / Assemblies
9.00 - 10.30 - Direct learning
10.30 - 10.45 - Break
10.45 - 12.30 - Direct learning
12.30 - 1.30 - Lunchtime
​1.30 - 3.10 - Direct learning
3.15pm - Home time / after school activities and clubs.
Key Stage 2
Year 4 and 5
8.45 - Registration / Assemblies
9.00 - 10130 - Direct learning
10.45 - 11.00 - Break
11.00 - 12.30 - Direct learning
12.30 - 1.30 - Lunchtime
​1.30 - 3.10 - Direct learning
3.15pm - Home time / after school activities and clubs.