Be kind and respectful, showing support and appreciation
British Values
Our curriculum actively promotes fundamental British values.
British values are:
Democracy - I have a say in what happens in our school community
Teamship Rules that apply:
1. Right place, right time, right kit, right mind
3. Only do what is beneficial
4. Be purposeful
5. Tell everyone what they need to know when they need to know
6. Believe in yourself and others
9. Be positive, resilient and move forward
10. Be a good role model
The rule of law - I know what is right and wrong and that there are consequences if I make a poor choice.
Teamship Rules that apply:
2. Do your best
3. Only do what is beneficial
7. Be kind and respectful, showing support and appreciation
9. Be positive, resilient and move forward
10. Be a good role model
Individual Liberty - I have the right to say, do and think what I want and the responsibility to accept the consequences of my actions
Teamship Rules that apply:
6. Believe in yourself and others
7. Be kind and respectful, showing support and appreciation
9. Be positive, resilient and move forward
10. Be a good role model
Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs - I know everyone is unique and I respect everyone
Teamship Rules that apply:
2. Do your best
3. Only do what is beneficial
7. Be kind and respectful, showing support and appreciation
9. Be positive, resilient and move forward
10. Be a good role model
School council raised money to buy our own set of African drums!
Year 6 decided to raise money for their end of year party!
Children decided to raise money for Dogs for the Blind!
Class councillors are nominated and voted for in a secret ballot, where a representative is elected to make decisions and voice the view of the class to make a difference to our School Community!
The children at Ulverley decided to show their respect on Remembrance Day for fallen or injured service people by creating our own poppy display!
Year 4 decided to crawl their Ulverley mile to raise money for Sports Relief!
Year 6 learnt about being an individual and decided to hold an awards ceremony to celebrate this. They created categories for the whole year group and teaching staff to vote on.
We have close links with our Community Police Officers. They come in to talk to children about road safety, stranger danger and what they can do if they were in dangerous situations!
Playground Pals! Children in Year 5 and 6 work with children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 at lunchtime to model sharing and turn taking.
Year 5 looked into different religious faiths and celebrated their learning by putting on an Indi Art exhibition.
Mr Swingle and Mr Edge inspired the whole school to find out about Tanzania. All year groups learn about traditions, religions and environment to prepare our adventurers before their challenge!
We work alongside other religious leaders to share different religious beliefs and customs with the children.
Rock Band Thurs 12th Feb 6-9pm @ Solihull Moors
Our rock band, video to the left, rocked our socks off as part of Solihull Music Service's Rock and Pop Night!
British Heart Foundation Day Ulverley went red for the day!
On Friday 6th Feb children came into school wearing their own clothes (esp. red) in support of British Heart Foundation Day. We didn't asking for donations but due to the generosity and support of our children and parents we raised over £300 for the charity.
Miss Burke will be dong a skydive to raise money for British Heart Foundation. All the staff and children certainly showed their support and awareness for this worthy charity! WELL DONE ULVERLEY!