Academy status is becoming more common, both nationally and locally, and the Government continues to encourage schools to become academies. As its budget is reduced, the local authority is also reducing the services that it has available to schools. Making this change now means that we can choose how we want our school to develop. Converting to Academy status within this Multi Academy Trust will:
Give us greater freedoms in developing the school curriculum to make sure that it is personalised to the needs of our students to ensure they are inspired and motivated to succeed.
Enable us to work together more effectively to improve the quality of teaching and learning, particularly as the national arrangements change, for example in the way in which children are assessed.
Formalise the growing links between our schools and enable us to share best practice and expertise, for example in governance, estates management, bid writing – e.g. for money to make improvements to school buildings and financial planning.
Enable us to support each other as support from the local authority reduces.
Increase the flexibility of use of our school budget and funds which are currently allocated to the local authority to give us more freedom to spend it to best meet the priorities of the school and our students.
The consultation process is now closed. Thank you to everyone who made their thoughts known in either person or via the email and survey opportunities. Governors will vote on the next steps on Thursday 29th March based upon the thoughts from the consultation.
Please watch this space for updates.
Jeni Mills Mark Pratt
Chair of Governors Head Teacher