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Who's Who

Chair of Governors



Penny Griffiths


Bandana Rout


Joy Harrison


Phillip Evans

Julie Gumbley


Doreen Dunkley


Alec Masson


Jennifer Mills


Ulverley School Governing Body


The primary purpose of our schools Governing Body is to ensure the quality of the education provision. When carrying out their responsibilities, our governing body acts in the interests of the children and young people in the school and in the wider community. Our Full Governing Body meet termly.

The role of the governing body is to:

  • set the strategic direction, vision and ethos of the school

  • monitor and challenge the progress of the school in achieving its priorities

  • recruit and performance manage the Head Teacher

  • exercise employer responsibility

  • ensure the school(s) meet its statutory responsibilities

  • ensure financial probity

  • ensure the premises are well managed

  • report to the school’s stakeholders


Here at Ulverley school we have 5 categories of Governors who help us run our school.

  • 6 Co-Opted Governors who are appointed by the Governing Body

  • The Head Teacher

  • 1 Local Authority Governor who is nominated by the Local Authority and appointed by the Governing Body. This Governor cannot be a member of the school staff

  • 4 Parent Governors who are parents or carers of a child registered at school and were elected by parents

  • One Staff Governor who is elected by the school staff from teachers and support staff within school.

  • The Governing body on occasions may also wish to appoint associate members to fill identified skills gaps as and when required.


We also have four sub-committees who meet termly. These sub-committees are designed to discuss specific areas of the school and be a critical friend to the school staff. The four sub-committees are:

  • Site Management

Remit: To provide guidance on matters relating to buildings, premises and health and safety issues, to develop strategic long term plans and to review all policies and procedures relating to Site Management.

  • Finance

Remit: To provide guidance on matters relating to finance including budgets and the financial viability of the school.

  • Curriculum and School Development

Remit: To provide guidance to the Head Teacher on matters relating to School Development Plan, Curriculum and Teaching and Learning, Special needs and Inclusion, School matters, Safeguarding and British Values.

  • Human Resources and Pay

Remit: To consider and make recommendations on staffing and structure based on the Head Teachers recommendations and School Development Plan, procedures with dealing with management of change, performance management structures and Policy updates and guidance.


Below are our current Governors:

Kirsty Kwiatkowski

Vicky Johnstone

Mark Pratt


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