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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"

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Our Teamship Rules

Click on badge to see what they are

Parent View gives you the chance to tell OFSTED what you think about our school. You can access the questionnaire here.


Meet Bennie and Ronnie!


Our Vision...

Vision 1819.jpg
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Leave of Absence Letter from Solihull Director of Chn's Services, Sally Hodges


From September 2013, it became unlawful for pupils to be granted holiday from school during term time and as such Head Teachers are unable to give permission.


Parents and carers can be fined up to £120 per parent, per child for taking holidays in term time.

Be kind and respectful...


We believe that complainants have the right to be heard, understood and respected.

Occasionally, the behaviour of individuals can make it difficuly for us to deal with their complaint.

We will take action to protect our staff.

Please treat us as you would wish and expect to be treated.

Thank you!



"Governors and Leaders have successfully established a shared ethos and vision...Relationships are strong and pupils have great confidence in their teachers."

PTA meeting


We are aware that regular meetings are not everyone's cup of tea.  If you would like to help out at any event, book stall holders, help with organisation or resources before any event please contact the Chair of the PTA, Mrs Payne at


Ulverley Rising Stars have extend their services to cater for 2 years olds!


To find out if you are eligible for free funding visit:



23 November, 2018

It takes a village to raise a child...


Ulverley School has a responsibility for, and is committed to, safeguarding, ensuring that children, young people and vulnerable adults grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and enabling them to have the best outcomes and requires that all staff, partners and volunteers share this commitment.


Our policy and practice are taken from Keeping Children Safe in Education [2018].


If you have any concerns about a child or young person, please contact one of Designated Safeguarding Leads as soon as possible.


Our DSOs are:


Mark Pratt

Cheryl Bradley

Maxine Clements

Neil Sleigh

Maugan Collins


Safeguarding Governor


Jenni Mills


Solihull LCSB Levels of Need


PREVENT Flowchart


Safeguarding support for Parents


Never Miss Another School Communication Ever Again!

Download our school app for both Android and iOS devices now.



Having trouble making ends meet?

Need help, advice or support with financial matters?

Follow the link here to The Solihull Partnership.

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