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What resources do we use at Ulverley to support our children with SEND?
Children may require resources to aid them in the classroom such as a writing slope, specialist pencil or voice recorder. Your child may use a concentration aid such as a tangle toy or a task management board to help with the processing of activities. In our younger years, signs and symbols are often used as an effective tool to aid communication. Weighted cushions and specialist sensory seats are also used to support children with Autism or Dyspraxia.
Your child may receive 1:1/small group work related to their specific need. Although the class teacher has overall responsibility for these sessions, they are usefully run by a Teaching Assistant. We also have a pastoral team in school and use the above external agencies to support our children.
Many of our children with SEND find moving to a new class or school difficult. In the Summer Term we will provide children with a photograph book they can look at over the summer holiday to familiarise themselves with their new class or teacher. We will support additional visits to classes (and other schools where possible). We will also share all relevant information between new schools and teacher at Ulverley have allocated time in the Summer Term to discuss children’s needs and share successful strategies for supporting them.