Education, Health and Care Plan
Tell everyone what they need to know when they need to know
Where there is significant SEND, schools and professionals, in discussion with parents/carers and the child, may decide to apply for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC Plan), previously known as a Statement of Educational Need. This is a legal document which outlines the child’s areas of need and the support which they require.
The application process for an EHC Plan draws evidence from all professionals working with the child. This also includes the ‘Family Conversation’ which highlights the parents/ carers views, wishes and feelings for the child and the child’s views. The Local Authority (LA) will usually make a statement if they decide that all the special help your child needs cannot be provided from within the school’s resources. These resources could include money, staff time and specialist equipment. The EHC Plan is reviewed on a yearly basis and could remain with the child until they turn 25.