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Measuring Progress
Tell everyone what they need to know when they need to know
How is progress measured for children with SEN/D?
Use of the Ulverley Rainbow- this shows the small steps of progress each child has made for each individual objective of the Literacy and Maths curriculum
Every term each class teacher meets with the Senior Management Team at pupil progress meetings to review children's progress and plan appropriate next steps or intervention.
The pastoral team use SDQ’s to measure the progress of their sessions
Language Link assesses the children before and after intervention
The impact of school based interventions is measured against the learning objective and recorded on the provision map termly
This information is also shared on the child’s communication passport
Parent reports
External agency reports
All significant behaviour incidents will be logged on myconcern- when these decrease this measure good progress
Children make good progress against their starting points.
What is the Local Offer?
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